

*All 5 x bundles are valid for 8 weeks from date of purchase.

*All 10 x bundles are valid for 12 weeks from date of purchase.

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Classes are available to all ages (16 +) and abilities.

All new clients are advised to attend a Pre-Pilates class. These classes teach fundamental strength exercises and explain key concepts as well as assessing ability levels and any personalised adjustments needed.

Private and Duet Sessions:

These can take place at the studio, at your home, or on Zoom. As a private client you can benefit from the whole class being tailored to your specific needs. This makes the individual and duet classes a great option if you’re completely new to pilates, or recovering from injury or in rehabilitation.

Group classes:

Held in the studio and streamed on Zoom simultaneously. These group classes are a more affordable option and offer a fun and friendly experience. Check the current timetable to see the range of group classes available.

Pre-Pilates classes:

These classes are great for complete beginners as we go over the fundamental principles of Pilates. We take time to explain and find the core connections and breathing patterns that are so key to getting the most out of your practice, seeing and feeling progression and strength in your body and avoiding injury. In these classes you will develop a good base level of strength and understanding that will allow you to enjoy a beginner class with confidence.

*These sessions are also advised for all new clients to attend at least once to get familiar with some of the key concepts I teach and the language I use to communicate them. It’s really helpful for me to teach new clients in a pre-pilates session so that I can assess which class would be the best fit for them to move into.

Specific Conditions Classes and Workshops:

These include classes for clients with Osteoporosis, Disc and other spine issues and Scoliosis.

*Cancellation Policy

24 hours minimum cancellation is required. No shows and cancellations with less than 24 hours will be charged for the class.

*Classes must be booked in advance - Call or text Amy on 07598269449 or go to the contact page to send an email.

Studio address: 109 Chiltern Drive, Surbiton, KT5 8LS

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Pilates is a fantastic practice for everyone, whether you’re already very physically capable, or you’re experiencing pain, tightness and discomfort, or if you’re somewhere in between.

Pilates aims to strengthen and lengthen the body, which supports the skeleton in the correct anatomical alignment. It’s a fantastic way to build strength and mobility, to feel vital, energised, strong and connected to your body. It is also a very effective way to help prevent injury and chronic pain brought about by poor postural habits and a weak core.

One of the biggest benefits of Pilates is to feel more in control of your body and strengthen the essential mind/body connection. There are so many automatic and unconscious actions we do with our bodies everyday. It’s important to become aware of at least some of these actions as they may be having detrimental effects on our mobility, pain levels, energy, joint and spinal health.


To book a class or discuss requirements please click here to contact me :)

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A little bit about classical Pilates…

Pilates is a form of exercise developed by Joseph Pilates (1883-1967). Pilates started out as a boxer and a gymnast, he also studied Eastern and Western forms of exercise including Yoga.

As a German national living in the UK during WWI, Pilates was interned in a camp for enemy aliens in Lancaster. Here he taught wrestling and self defence, and it was during this time that he began devising a system of original exercises which he named Contrology.

“Contrology develops the body uniformly, corrects wrong postures, restores physical vitality, invigorates the mind and elevates the spirit.” - Joseph Pilates.

The six principles of Pilates…


Joesph Pilates called his method Contrology; it began with mind body control over muscles. Pay full attention to all details of positioning and sequencing.


Practice the exercises with mindful intent and focus.


Explore and understand the importance of initiating movement from a stable source. Learn how to stabilise through opposition of movement.


Deepen your understanding of the importance of exhalation to stimulate breathing, facilitate core support and intensify movement.


Pay attention to the optimal alignment of the body as a whole.


Learn the importance of the transitional aspects within each exercise and the total system.

Control comes from Centring the mind and centring the body. Centring the mind is Concentration. Concentration leads to focus. The Breath centres that focus. This brings Precision to the work and ultimately facilitates a steady flow.

You don’t have to focus on the weaknesses consistently. By working the body uniformly as a whole the weaknesses will improve.